Friday, October 31, 2014

Wrap Up on 10/31

Happy Halloween everybody!!! Its been a long week with everyone hard at work sorting the various hardware into all the new bins and cases we have. No longer will people have to search a whole day to find just one bolt and nut combination.

Completed goals:

  • The hardware bins are sorted and labeled, even placed on shelves
  • The room is cleaned up with all the hardware up off the floor and the floors swept down and clean
  • We even have bins for little parts such as nuts and bolt, also for resistors

Monday, October 27, 2014

Goals of Week 10/27

This week we will focus only on reorganizing and cleaning the tech lab, with a shipment of new equipment we will have to keep things organized in order to utilize the new equipment to it's fullest. The organization equipment has raised our sorting and easiness of organization to the next level. Part will be organized by labeled color coded bins.

Goals include:

  • Create places for bins
  • Put like hardware and parts in bins
  • Label bins with new labelmaker

Friday, October 24, 2014

Wrap Up on 10/24

This week we accomplished a good portion of our goals. We are moving forward to completion of work and work organization. The class is accomplishing tasks when they are separated into smaller groups of people. Job distribution is an important part of success in the class.

Completed Goals:

  • The bird cage is pretty much cut up into smaller easy to weld pieces
  • The metal cleaning crew is working hard to make a large stack of cleaned metal rods and flat pieces
  • Our welding skills have been vastly improving with each piece blowing less bubbles and holes

Monday, October 20, 2014

Goals Of Week 10/20

         We will begin this week with metalworking Mondays in which everyone has an opportunity to clean, cut, and weld metal together. The whole class is working together and completing the tasks assigned.

   This week our goals included:

  • Completion of disassembling of the bird cage,
  • Improving existing welding skills, 
  • Create a more organized schedule of work

Friday, October 17, 2014

Wrap up of week 10/17

This week we began to seriously improve our welding skills and the results are very apparent. The pictures below show that our beads are now more defined and there is less excess beads as well as less debris. Learning to set up the machine is important to a good weld. We also began working on a rear battery mount for the older SKII solar car. 

Monday, October 13, 2014

Goals of Week 10/13

This week our goals are pretty achievable. We are working to make enough cleaned and prepared metal to begin practicing our welding and grinding as a class. We are cutting up the birdcage and taking off all the rust and paint using the wire wheels. There are two different shapes of metal we are using... Rods and flat metal.

  • Cut up metal into small pieces
  • Clean metal off for welding
  • Start welding together. 

Friday, October 10, 2014

Wrap up, Week 10 (10/10)

This week, we've had a few speed bumps, popped a few circuits as well as a lack of raw metal, We were able to recover from them and we found an old bird cage donated by Mr. Junco of Horticulture
and we were able to get a decent bit of practice done with the welding. We also attempted to weld aluminium but had no avail.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Goals of the Week 10/6

This week will begin practicing our metal working ability, We will spool the Mig Welder and begin doing practice welds. We will also be searching for raw metal to continue to practice.

  • Set up Mig Welder
  • Find and locate all scrap/raw metal
  • Begin Practice!

Friday, October 3, 2014

Wrap Up on 10/3

This Week didn't go according to plans, but a lot did get done. This week was focused on thank you letters and packages which are well on there way but still not all done. As we get closer to completion we are getting more excited.

Unfortunately we did not:

  • Set up a craigslist ad
  • Email Boat Companies

On a better note, this week we completed:

  • Bettering our proposal to send out to people; hopefully people that give money.
  • Set up and Updated the Laser Printer for Prototyping
  • Working on the little go kart